Before showing up for every session, I have butterflies and excitement. You would think at some point in my photography career, that would go away. However, each session feels like the first. I invest a lot of time and thought into my sessions and really want the best for all my clients. No pressure. Family sessions are the most difficult for me to prepare for. How do you prepare for the unknown? You can't really. You take it as it comes and enjoy the ride.
Little Miss. Taylor was off and running before our session even began. Her parents warned me after the first few minutes that she is not one to stay still or snuggle. Perfect! I love a challenge. So we bribed with raisins and bubbles and let the rest happen naturally. After all, isn't that what it's all about? Documenting who YOU are as a family. I loved the light, I loved the giggles and I loved the relationship in this family. Oh, and I really loved her little shoes. I'm a sucker for pink.
This collection of photos is such an incredible moment in time caught on film! You've really outdone yourself Rebecca! And how fortunate for this young family to have had you along side them. Well done all!