Tuesday, July 30, 2013

{Matt + Michele + Olivia} Kitchener Maternity Photographer

I still remember when my brother called me to tell me I was going to be an Aunt the first time.  I was beyond excited.  It was no different the second time.  When he called to say him and Michele were expecting again, my heart spilled over with joy at the idea of another niece or nephew.  This time around they knew it was going to be a boy and they started the tedious job of preparing Olivia for her baby brother's arrival.  

One thing about shooting your own niece; she is completely herself.  Good and bad.  The facial expressions on this kid just kill me. But she's also used to her Aunt Rebecca being playful and joining in on the goofing around. This proves to backfire when you're trying to take some serious photos. I have witnessed so many moments with Olivia and her parents but my favorite is when she puts both hands on her parents cheeks and out of no where says, "I love you so much". It just makes me melt. Here is the result of our "moments".

This is her attempt at settling down for a serious shot. It doesn't last long.

I love the look on her face in this shot when she's concentrating on trying to feel the baby move.

Another great thing about shooting my niece, she's used to my camera being around so she's not shy at all.

Again with the serious face. She can never hold it for long.

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