Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where have I been for the last 2 months?

This blog post is long over due.  I know it's been a while since I've posted anything new, so I have some explaining to do.  I'll give you the short version so you can get right to viewing the photos.  I took on a contract with Terpsichore Dance Celebration taking photos at the competitions which people can then view and purchase on site.  The days are long, there is a lot of traveling involved and a lot of chocolate to be ingested.  The talent that I saw from across Canada was absolutely inspiring.  Once upon a time, I too was a competitor in the same field.  In fact dance consumed a total of 17 years of my life as well as my parents lives and I wouldn't trade a single moment of it.  Watching all of these talented young dancers brought back the butterflies in my tummy and the excitement of performing in front of an audience.  This time I was on the other side of it all, capturing every jump and kick through the lens of a camera.  Thank you to Terpsichore for the amazing opportunity to use my passion for photography to capture so many dancers "moments" on stage.

Out of all of the routines I saw, which were in the thousands, this one effected me the most.  "The Tribute" was a lyrical solo done by a young lady at the Barrie competition.  She danced in honour of her brother, a soldier serving in Afghanistan. Her raw emotion and willingness to share that emotion with an audience was admirable.  I was so touched by this beautifully executed routine, I just had to share a couple of shots.

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