Friday, March 16, 2012

Smiling Eyes

I am so proud to be writing this blog post today.  It is an honor to announce that I am a participating photographer in the Smiling Eyes Project.  The Smiling Eyes Project was founded by Christine Kufske of Click Photography in 2006.  It is a non profit organization made up of professional photographers who are dedicated to helping people/families who are facing a battle with cancer.  A Smiling Eyes shoot is for those dealing with this horrible disease, or people who have won the battle and want to celebrate their victory. It doesn't matter what stage of the fight the recipients are in, we're here to help.

Cancer has touched my family and friends in many different forms with a variety of outcomes.  It's their stories that inspire me to be a part of this amazing team.  If you or someone you know would benefit from a Smiling Eyes shoot, please visit the Smiling Eyes web site for more information.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Runner Ups

Every time I enter the i heart faces challenge, I find it so difficult to choose a photo.  I have been blessed with amazing clients so it's hard for me to pick just one.  For the most recent challenge, they were asking to submit a black and white photo.  Instead of just showing the one I ended up choosing, I thought I would post the ones that were in the pool of favorites. 

I Heart Faces Challenge

How do you narrow it down to just one? After careful consideration here is my pick for the black and white challenge over at i heart faces.  I love the genuine moment caught here between mother and daughter. So sweet.

This photo was submitted to the I Heart Faces photo challenge –

Photo Challenge Submission

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Big Sister

I love relaxed sessions.  There's nothing like catching kids in their own environment, being themselves.  Serena did not disappoint me; she was all smiles.  She recently welcomed her baby brother to the house and took on the role of big sister.  My favorite part of the shoot was bribing her to put on a fantastic flower skirt that Mom bought.  She was reluctant to wear it until I told her that she could jump on her bed if she put it on. DONE!  From jumping on the bed to Mommy & Daddy snuggles with baby, this shoot had it all.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Winter decided to show up the night before this engagement shoot.  I was excited for a fresh blanket of white to replace the dreary dirty appearance of this season, however, my shoot was out of town.  I thought for sure I would have to cancel.  To my delight, I headed out nice and early and had no problems on the roads. This shoot was worth the drive and then some.  Chelsea & Nick are two of those people you instantly feel comfortable with.  The bond between these two was evident and a joy to photograph.  I can't wait to be a part of their wedding day.  Chelsea, I know you're going to be a beautiful bride and Nick, I can't wait to experience more of your wit and humour.  Let's just try to keep the unexpected hikes to a minimum for the wedding day!